Saturday, June 23, 2012

Tiara has bias too! So much...

Here is my list of biases that I know I will exhibit in my writing and comments on rhetoric i see. I am a perspectival creature and have many quirks. My list of why I have these particular biases is too long so hang with me. Patience please but do feel free to alert me if I am incorrect or have said something out of turn.

1) I have mixed political views and I am rather naive about proper terms. My education is lightly political so I know a tiny fraction of what a politics major would know. I will certainly misspeak about this at some point but I try to look terms up before commenting/using them.

2) I am not religious and, like the political stuff, I try to look things up before I comment. I may not be sensitive about it so apologies in advance. Also, I may miss references in the text or shiny rhetorical thing I am commenting on. Please feel free to point them out if I leave them unnoticed as they are culturally relevant and assist in deeper understanding. 

3) I was raised from humble beginnings and as a grad student I am still not even remotely affluent. I will likely rail against really rich politicians making out of touch statements with almost no grounds but my own boot straps. 

4) Morally flexible-you'll find me taking the side of the opposition on things to feel out their arguments and "walk a mile in their shoes," if you'll allow me the expression. I am not hard and fast about "good" or "evil" because I realize that most of my leanings are arbitrarily based and rooted more in my socialization rather than any deeply pondered and/or committed stance. 

5) As a side note: I have made up words that I put into practice from time to time. They tend to be hyperbolic or completely made up so I will try to add a definition or a feel for what it means if used. 

I am a rhetoric nerd through and through. I hope I can say something that will make you think or at least make you believe that rhetoric is cool. 'Cause it is my bread and butter.


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